Infection Control

In our office, your safety is our top concern! Infection control is very important to us. To protect our patients and ourselves, we strictly adhere to all sterilization standards set by the American Dental Association (ADA), the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), and the Centers for Disease Control (CDC).

Before and after every appointment, all of our treatment surfaces are cleaned and disinfected, including dental chairs, examining lights, X-ray equipment, drawer handles and countertops. Our staff members wear new, disposable masks and gloves when working with each patient, and all our instruments and handpieces are heat-sterilized at temperatures of 400-425 degrees. In addition, we use many disposable materials whenever possible.

In response the the Covid-19 Pandemic, UVC and HEPA air purification systems have been installed to sanitize the air in our office. All staff and patients are screened for symptoms or possible exposures prior to coming to the office.

We are committed to providing your dental care in a safe and sterile environment.

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Quality professional team members that pride ourselves in furthering education to ensure you get the quality care you deserve.

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5895 John R RdTroy, Michigan 48085Get Directions(248) 828-8128

2025 VanBuskirk Dental