Treatment Module Image

Dental radiographs provide us with invaluable information about your oral and dental health.  They allow the dentist to identify and diagnose several types of dental problems such as:

-Decay between the teeth
-Developmental abnormalties
-Improper root positioning
-Cysts & abcesses
-Fractures in existing restorations
-Infection in the tooth nerve
-Bone loss

At VanBuskirk Dental, our team uses digital X-rays to provide our patients with the highest quality of dental services.  Unlike traditional X-rays that use film, digital X-rays use a sensor to take images of your teeth making the process faster and more convenient. Our team can instantly view the high quality images on a computer monitor with the ability to enlarge or enhance the image to identify problems at it's earliest stages and provide you with an accurate diagnosis more efficiently.   

Digital X-rays use significantly less radiation than traditional X-rays.  While this radiation is very low, it is still recommended that pregnant women avoid any unnecessary X-rays. However, pregnant women are also more vulnerable to gum disease, so X-rays may be recommended, in which case proper precautions will be taken, such as using a lead apron and thyroid collar.

Contact Us

If you have any questions or comments, or if you'd like to schedule an appointment, please contact us by phone, text or e-mail.